
How To Do A Blog With Cargo Collective Website

6 alternative portfolio sites to make you stand out

alternative portfolio sites
(Image credit: Scott Balmer/Fabrik)

Looking for alternative portfolio sites? While you're probably well aware of the pros and cons of sites like Behance, there are other options that you might not be familiar with. With so many design portfolios out there, it can be hard to make an impact. However, these alternative portfolio sites could be a stepping stone towards standing out in a crowded industry, whether you're just starting out or looking to refresh an existing portfolio.

If you're looking at creating your own website to use as a portfolio, make sure you read our guide to the best website builders. And if you're looking for inspiration, see our collection of standout design portfolios. Meanwhile, read on for our verdict on six alternative portfolio sites.

6 alternative portfolio sites

01. Fabrik

alternative portfolio sites: Fabrik

Fabrik allows you to build a professional-looking portfolio site in minutes (Image credit: Ash K Halliburton/Fabrik)

If you're looking for a simple way to make your own professional-looking portfolio website, Fabrik is a brilliant option. It strips away technical hassles to allow to make a stunning site in no time at all. It's versatile, offering plenty of good themes to choose from, and it doesn't overload you with options for customisation. Simply pick a general theme, then alter each project according to the presentation option that best suits your work. You can easily customise fonts and colours if desired.

The drag and drop interface is simple and intuitive and there's integration with Vimeo, YouTube, Soundcloud and Slate. You can switch themes whenever you want without causing any impact on your projects. Pricing for Fabrik starts at £6.75/$9.17 a month for an annual subscription. If offers a 14-day free trial. with no credit card required.

02. Cargo

alternative portfolio sites: Cargo

If you want aesthetically pleasing templates, head to Cargo

Cargois a curated community site that offers templates designed for any size or purpose. You get a free-standing website with its own URL, open-source design and aesthetically pleasing templates that place the emphasis on content. Templates can be customised or used as is. Cargo sites are free to try. to go public, a standard site upgrade costs $99 per year or $13 per month.

03. Indexhibit

alternative portfolio sites: Indexexhibit

You may not be familiar with Indexhibit but it's an old favourite among many

It's not hugely well-known, but Indexhibit, from designers Eatock and Vasta, is an old-school favourite among many. The Indexhibit CMS lets you create your own website combining image, text, video and sound. The simple layout allows images and all-important descriptions of work to shine through. You get that unmistakable Indexhibit feel, which leans towards a stamp of designer quirk. Everything looks like it's been written on a typewriter first. It costs 25 Euros, but there's no web hosting.

04. Squarespace

alternative portfolio sites: Squarespace

Squarespace oozes a professional finish

If you want a portfolio site that looks to a CEO like you know what you're doing, then Squarespace might be the option for you. This slick, trendy template portal offers glossy portfolios, custom domains and e-commerce – everything you need to get up and running online. It even offers logos, just in case. The price for a personal site starts at £10/$12 per month, and a more customisable business site at £15/$18.

05. Berta

alternative portfolio sites: Berta

An underdog but one well worth a look at

This is the fun underdog in this pack of alternative portfolio sites. A joint collaboration between designers in Latvia, The Netherlands and San Francisco, Berta is a simple, flexible open-source online tool for creating websites. Prices are pretty reasonable, hosting is offered, and you get the feeling that the company gets the whole portfolio ordeal. Their 'happy websites' look great too. A pro plan that allows you to remove Berta branding starts at €8.99 per month.

06. Tumblr

alternative portfolio sites: Tumblr

Tumblr isn't just for teenagers – it can make your work look great too

Finally, Tumblr is not to be dismissed as an alternative portfolio site. There's a huge range of minimal, clean and quite unique themes available to use Tumblr as a design portfolio. Some of the best portfolios come from its re-imagined spaces, self-made coded sites and the combo-draw of social media and blogs.

Many Designers offer an alternative take on the whole portfolio angle, with a mix-and-match DIY online presence in self-styled portfolios. You can easily add or remove content like with a CMS, and there's the bonus of free hosting. We'd recommend getting a custom URL is you go with Tumblr however.

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  • How to choose the right drawing tools
  • Get inspired with these portfolio examples
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Rob Carney

Rob is editorial, graphic design and publishing lead at Transport for London. He was previously editor of Computer Arts and ImagineFX.

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